We are so grateful for our growing pod of supporters!
Oceans Initiative relies on your donations to do the ocean conservation work that we do. We are an efficient, agile team that makes the most of every contribution. Your tax-deductible gift will help us to keep whale and dolphin habitats clean, quiet, and full of life. Please consider making an investment in Oceans Initiative and our ocean conservation priorities.
If you would prefer to write a check, please make it payable to Oceans Initiative and send it to:
Oceans Initiative
117 E. Louisa Street, #135
Seattle, WA 98102
To our Canadian friends and neighbours, you may make a donation to our sister organization, Oceans Research & Conservation Association for a Canadian tax receipt.
For gifts of stock and legacy gifts, please contact karen@oceansinitiative.org for more information.
Adopt a Dolphin
You can also support Oceans Initiative’s conservation efforts with a symbolic adoption of a Pacific white–sided dolphin. Your tax-deductible donation provides needed funding to continue our non-invasive, long-term research and to further protect these marine mammals.
Other ways you can support our work

Those who have a Donor Advised Fund may recommend grants to Oceans Initiative. We advise entering our full name and EIN 90-1015993 when searching a DAF charity database.
If your DAF is through Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable or BNY Mellon, you can use this DAF Direct tool.

Oceans Initiative is proud to be a 1% for the Planet nonprofit partner.
Looking for other ways to help?
Leave a comment on our blog, subscribe to our newsletter, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter or Instagram. We love hearing from you. Please spread the word about the work we do, and know that your involvement makes a difference.
Oceans Initiative is a Seattle-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit that does work in the Salish Sea and around the world. We do our conservation science without a big administrative team, keeping our overhead costs low, so more of your donation goes directly to support our mission to protect marine life in the Pacific Northwest and beyond. This philosophy extends to our partnerships as well; we value collaborations with universities and other nonprofits, but our policy is to cap indirect costs on sub-awards at 10% to maximize the conservation impact of our grants, contracts, and charitable donations.